25 October 2023
How Interactive Online Deals Can Maximize Your Lead Engagement

Greetings, fellow automotive enthusiast! 👋

If you’ve read the title of this article, chances are you’re part of a dealership or marketing organization seeking ways to boost your conversion rates. If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place!

Let’s dive straight into today’s topic: how Virtual Retailing turbocharges engagement and boosts conversion rates.

Painting the Problem

Imagine this scenario: a potential buyer lands on your website, eyeing their dream car. They click through the listing, but they aren’t just interested in photos— they are looking for more than that. They want to fully understand how this car, their car, is going to impact their budget before making a commitment. It’s likely that your website alone – no matter how cool it looks – is not cutting it.

That’s where Virtual Retailing swoops in to save the day— they say a photo is worth a thousand words, but engagement, customization, and connection are worth a lot more than that.

The Conundrum of Conversion

Dealers have been facing the same problem for years: how do you turn a curious website visitor into a loyal customer? This is a loaded question, and figuring it out is crucial to the long term survival of your dealership in a digital age. When customers would rather start a chat than come into your dealership, how do you interact with them from behind a screen? Luckily for you, the solution is easy— with Virtual Retailing, customers can start building their own deal on their own terms.

What if your leads didn’t just click and vanish, but instead actively engaged with your website? With a true deal builder (not just a glorified payment calculator), customers feel like they are their own experts. They can fine-tune deals, explore financing options, and reserve their vehicle on their own time all from the comfort of their couch! And you’re getting a deal you don’t have to rework in the store.

Letting Customers Take the Wheel: Curiosity 👉 Confidence

Buying a vehicle is a big decision, and it is one of the largest purchases a person will ever make. In a world driven by online shopping, customers value transparency and want to feel confident they are getting the best deal possible.

This is where Virtual Retailing shines — offering transparency into every aspect of the deal, so it is crystal clear what the customer is getting. They can customize every aspect while you follow along, and live support is available 24/7, 365 days. They can choose to complete as much or as little of their deal as they want online, and then seamlessly pick up right where they left off when they come into the dealership. It’s like pausing a movie and resuming seamlessly from the same scene whenever you’re ready. No loss of momentum, no disruptions – just a seamless experience.

Let’s Talk Numbers: Lead Engagement

It’s happened to us all: engagement stalls, and your conversion rates hit the brakes because of it. Leveraging Virtual Retailing, the conversation never stops. Customers can drop off and come back to their deal whenever they want to, and every interaction is saved to their profile for you to view.

You can follow along in real-time as your customers explore their options and even initiate a chat with them yourself to answer questions or provide assistance. If you’re not available, keep the customer engaged with a third party chat agent of a chatbot. Customers can complete everything at their own pace while still having a safety net if they need it— it’s like having a personal vehicle expert on standby, offering guidance without pressure.

Ready, Set, Convert!

There you have it— part of the secret formula for turning curious website visitors into confident car buyers. Virtual Retailing is more than just a tool, it is a driving force that will propel your dealership forward with higher conversion rates. By allowing the customer the opportunity to take the wheel while also offering assistance, they can build the deal they want and feel confident in their decision to trust your dealership with this large purchase.

Ready to make the change for your dealership and leave conversion challenges behind? 🚀 Buckle up, because with Virtual Retailing, your dealership’s success will skyrocket.

Ready to see the magic yourself? Start a chat to begin your journey to higher conversion! ✨