Engage customers at every step, in-store or online.
Gubagoo helps you drive profitability by meeting the blended buyer where they are. You can go from a chat to a fully funded deal in an instant.
We have been extremely pleased with the Gubagoo chat platform. Since switching from our previous provider, our lead quality has drastically improved and we have seen a 4x increase in vehicle sales from our website. John Clairmont Internet Sales Manager
We have been extremely pleased with the Gubagoo chat platform. Since switching from our previous provider, our lead quality has drastically improved and we have seen a 4x increase in vehicle sales from our website.
John Clairmont
Internet Sales Manager
With the Gubagoo mobile app, you and your team can chat with customers, monitor VR deals, send offers, and gain valuable performance insights with the new Dashboard.
Go from chat to funded with the retailing tool built as part of Reynolds Retail Management System.
Communicate with millions of Apple users instantly
Upload inventory to your profile, leverage ads, and track leads
Customers can schedule service appointments right inside a chat
Plug SMS messages directly into GLive and turn them into leads
Increase engagement and retention with just a customer phone number
Turn inbound inquiries into OfferUp leads in your CRM with a few clicks
Leverage Google Analytics, Reviews, and Vehicle Listings
Our chat specialists work with and for you, 24/7.
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